Friday, July 15, 2011

This is what 32 Southern California days will get you

We're 32 days into the summer planting effort and it's pretty fair to say things are exploding. I went out of town for a week ( thanks for the coverage Shannon) and came back to a lot of green stuff. It shouldn't be long before there's a lot of red, yellow, and orange stuff to go with it. Stay tuned.

Looks like there's gonna be jack-o-lanterns for the whole office.

The beans are going bonkers. I might should have put in a taller trellis.


  1. This looks so pretty. Just goes to show what good seeds, proper planning and hard work will do. Proud of you brother.

  2. You're my home-farming hero...wait a minute, maybe you should make that into a game for the Wii.
